Ruse, Bulgaria">
Softwareentwicklung ist unsere Leidenschaft
NPO Applications ist ein Softwareunternehmen im Herzen des Ruhrgebiets, mit dem Schwerpunkt webbasierter Softwarelösungen. In einem fast 60-köpfigen, stetig wachsenden, dynamischen und sehr gut qualifizierten Team, entwickeln und betreuen wir seit fast 15 Jahren webbasierte Softwarelösungen. Wir implementieren Software aus vielen verschiedenen Bereichen, von der Abbildung landesgeförderter Prozesse über die Abbildung verschiedener Landesverfahren in unterschiedlichen Bundesländern bis hin zu unserer eigenen Kintergartenverwaltungssoftware KiTa-Plus. Als stetig wachsendes Unternehmen suchen wir für unsere engagierten Teams am Standort Sofia Verstärkung.
Hier brauchen wir dich!
Wir haben hier viele Einsatzmöglichkeiten, in denen Du uns hier unterstützen kannst. Auf der einen Seite benötigen wir immer tatkräftige Unterstützung bei unserer kitaplus-Produktfamilie (Verwaltungssoftware, Elternapp, Verpflegungsportal), die bei über 7.500 KiTas im Einsatz ist. Auf der anderen Seite benötigen wir Unterstützung bei unseren landesgeförderten Prozessen, foerdeplan.web - unsere Software, mit der wir landesweite Förderprozesse abbilden.
Welche Aufgaben erwarten dich?
Manage funding plans quickly and efficiently
Government funding programmes are an important support in all areas of life to get projects off the ground or keep them going. But it is easy to lose track in the jungle of funding, with its numerous pots and recipients. From application to proof of use, a funding project passes through numerous offices in different ministries and authorities in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. Where do the funds go and what is the impact of the individual measures? In order to make the funding process easier and more efficient, foerderplan.web was developed - a product family for digitising the funding management of the authorities and ministries in NRW. The individual development and adaptation of the software to the funding process of the respective ministry makes it possible to precisely map the special requirements of the customers. For example, funding applications, calls for proposals and proof of use can be submitted digitally by the funding recipients and processed digitally by the funding authorities. This avoids transmission errors and contributes to fast and efficient processing.
Digitalisation and transparency throughout the funding process
Throughout the entire funding process, an up-to-date overview can be ensured by viewing the funding plan with daily updated budgets or the application situation. In addition, foerderplan.web provides a good basis for controlling, technical and budget departments, as the funding plan and the assigned funding data (financial and performance data) can be adjusted during the year.
foerderplan.web as a government standard
As a result of all synergy effects, a standard software product called foerderplan.web (digital, web-based technical procedure for the implementation of funding procedures) has now been defined for the entire state of NRW. foerderplan.web is based on various technical procedures that have already been in use for several years in various ministries (e.g. KJFP.web or Kultur.web). The existing technical procedures consist of mostly uniform modules (beneficiary management, user management, modules for online application, review, approval, online proof of use, etc.) and share the code base. The existing modules are "standardised" and compiled into a national standard version.
With over 10 years of experience in the childcare sector, we have not only created practical solutions in our applications, but also actively support you with our technical and professional expertise. We will guide you from the initial information, through the testing and piloting phase, to commissioning and daily use of kitaplus.
Our product family KiTaPLUS, which has been developed since 2011 and is running on more than 30 customer servers, is an example of the range of services offered by NPO Applications. It consists of the modular administration software for nurseries, an online registration for nursery place reservations for municipal demand planning and a catering portal for credit-based pre-ordering of meals. The entire product family is embedded in a service-oriented architecture (SOA), which ensures the coupling of individual instances and product services and enables the seamless connection and integration of further services from third-party providers (e.g. KiTa place reservation portals from other providers).